Baudin Conservation Park Ironstone Hill Hike
This hike follows the coast east of Penneshaw along a section of the original bullock track to Cape Willoughby and provides views across Backstairs Passage
Penneshaw & Dudley Peninsula
This hike follows the coast east of Penneshaw along a section of the original bullock track to Cape Willoughby and provides spectacular views across Backstairs Passage to the Fleurieu Peninsula. After climbing through regenerating sheoak vegetation, the hike leads to the ruins of Harry Bates’ cottage and a stone threshing floor on Ironstone Hill. The farming heritage of the area is interpreted on signs along the hike.
Fireball Bates Trail
George Bates, called Fireball because of his red hair, was one of the first settlers to Kangaroo Island.-
Penneshaw & Dudley Peninsula
Walk Kangaroo Island
It’s amazing what you see when you slow down to a natural pace – the tiny details, the big sky.-
Cygnet River
Bald Hill Walk - Cape Gantheaume Conservation Park
Bald Hill provides spectacular views overlooking Murray Lagoon and is an ideal spot to observe a variety of wetland birds.-
South Coast
Tadpole Cove Walk - Cape Gantheaume Conservation Park
This walk combines unusual coastal scenery with early settlement heritage sites.-
South Coast
Exceptional Kangaroo Island - Luxury Small Group and Private Tours
Since 1990 Exceptional Kangaroo Island has offered all inclusive small group day and extended tours of Kangaroo Island, travelling in comfortable four wheel drive vehicles.-
Cygnet River
Kangaroo Island Marine Adventures
Let Kangaroo Island Marine Adventures show you a different side of Kangaroo Island and its wonderful marine wonderland.-
North Coast
Penneshaw Beach
Penneshaw Beach (Hog Bay) is 600 m long and faces the northeast. There is a reserve and low foredune running the length of the beach.-
Penneshaw & Dudley Peninsula
Emu Bay Beach
The beach ranks among the most popular due to its clear waters, long shoreline with direct vehicle access.-
North Coast
SeaLink Kangaroo Island Tours and Packages
Kangaroo Island SeaLink offers a wide range of touring products on Kangaroo Island, including day tours that will take you to many of the highlights.-
Penneshaw & Dudley Peninsula
Old Mulberry Tree
Old Mulberry Tree is a tree located at Reeves Point in Kingscote on Kangaroo Island.-